Congratulations to our 2013 award winners!

In recognition of their accomplishments champions were awarded a polo shirt with the PShR embroidered logo. Reserve Champions received a PShR mug. Champion and Reserve Champions received Higher Standards saddle soap. Everyone who entered received a Certificate of Merit. Thank you to Higher Standards for your generous donation
Champion: Dale Scoville, Ninja PFF
Reserve Champion : Dale Scoville, Aria Mia SE
Honorable Mention: Chris Power, WineGlass Debonair
Limited Distance
Champion: Sherry Aune, Lily Creek Rhythm
Reserve Champion : Olivia Rudolphi, H. WineGlass Syran
Honorable Mention: Marty Power, H. WineGlass Soave
Honorable Mention: Chris Power, WineGlass Debonair
Honorable Mention: Olivia Rudolphi, WineGlass Sherry
Honorable Mention: Linda Rudolphi, WineGlass Dubonnet
Honorable Mention: Linda Rudolphi, WineGlass Sherry
Competitive Trail
Champion : Marty Power, H. WineGlass Soave
Reserve Champion : Olivia Rudolphi, WineGlass Sherry
Honorable Mention: Chris Power, WineGlass Debonair
Honorable Mention: Holly Kemmis, WineGlass Remeny
Honorable Mention: Holly Kemmis, WineGlass Dora
Versatility Horse
Champion: Chris Power, WineGlass Debonair
Reserve Champion: Marty Power, H. WineGlass Soave
Shagya Ambassador
Champion: Holly Kemmis
Reserve Champion: Olivia Rudolphi
Honorable Mention: Linda Rudolphi
High Point Rider
Champion : Olivia Rudolphi
Reserve Champion : Holly Kemmis
Meritorious Sire
Champion : Linda Rudolphi, *Budapest